Friday, July 22, 2011


One of the biggest days of my internship is Monday. This week has been super crazy, I have not spent more than 4 hours at my office until Friday and with the infamous presentation in front of the entire senior team looming I am not as prepared as I wish I could be.

I gave my presentation to my team today and was clearly upset. I was on the verge of crying, with 6 men (no women) in the room, for basically no reason. While none of them made a big deal out of it, they all clearly noticed at my emotion. It was NOT good.

To make matters worse, when one of the previous VT interns came by I literally started crying for about 5 minutes straight. I felt so bad for him but he was very supportive and helped me realize to keep positive. I am so grateful for all the support I have here at work and can deal with my crazy girl emotions.

I gave my presentation twice more later that day and did much better. I just need to remember confidence is the most important thing and to have faith in myself. Sometimes you just need to remind yourself you are special and to never give up. These quotes always give me the inspiration and motivation to continue on.

1 comment:

  1. hang in there tiger. you know you rock at that BIT trip. just tell them Altria MEN that you are a woman with great BIT skillz. and um can't wait for DT BBURG
